Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Young People are our Future

Still sharing information about what we do as a guild.
Holy Family Guild families support one another in the preparation of their children for the  sacraments
Holy Family Guild runs youth retreats for 10-13’s and 14-18’s.
Holy Family Guild young people travel to Youth Pilgrimages including WYD to witness to their faith together and show solidarity with the Holy Father and the teachings of Christ

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Back to the Holy Family Guild and what we do

We offer family support
Just as the members of the first guilds were associated with almsgiving, care of the sick, burial of the dead and in providing Masses for the souls of deceased members, so our members assist one another both in spiritual and temporal necessities
We are families on pilgrimage
Mindful of our lifelong pilgrimage on the road to heaven, families have regular pilgrimages to Holy Island, Jesmond and Chartres as well as to other places of pilgrimage throughout the year
We are families having fun
Our families share picnics, celebrations, BBQ’s, Carol Singing and much more together. Faith shared is fun for everyone and especially children.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


My awards go to:-
The Evangelium Course from the CTS for its faithfulness

The Christian Martyrs murdered while at Mass in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Salvation for their witness

The Romeike Family who are homeschooling in the U.S because their own German government wouldn’t allow them to do so in their homeland

The film ‘Of Gods and Men’

A speech by the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in which he urged Russians to have more children to avoid a demographic crisis

Aid to the Church in Need, a charity you can always trust.

Two young women beginning their vocations, Amy in the USA and Clara in the UK

My parents, married for 67 years

The spiritual guide, ‘Magnificat’ and those responsible for its publication.

Father Kevin Gallagher, a faithful priest of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese who died in May